
In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful
'O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth (that is) lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.' (Al-Baqarah: 168)

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Benefits of honey

"And your Lord revealed to the bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build: Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it a beverage of many colours, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl, 68-69)

Honey is a vital food source from a tiny insect. Its contain so many benefits for human being especially in healing process. Rasulullah s.a.w. had told us of the healing found within honey. Not only that, Al-Quran also had stated about it.

A man came to the Rasulullah s.a.w. because his brother had a stomach disorder. Rasulullah said: "Let him drink honey." The man returned a second time complaining that no improvement happened in his brother’s case, and again Rasulullah s.a.w. responded: "Let him drink honey." The man returned again, and said: "I have done that but to no avail." Thereupon Rasulullah s.a.w. responded: "Allah has said the truth, but your brother's stomach has told a lie. Let him drink honey." He drank it and was cured (Al-Bukhari).

According to research, honey is composed of sugars like glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, phosphate and iron. It contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 all of which change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen. Besides, copper, iodine, and zinc also exist in it in small quantities.

Based on studies and articles from all over the world, benefits or advantages that we can gain from honey are:
  1.  Easily digest: Sugar molecules in honey can convert into other sugar for example like fructose to glucose.Easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs despite its high acid contents.
  2. Healing wounds: Glucose oxidase enzyme from honey slowly release the antiseptic hydrogen peroxide at a sufficient level to be effective against bacteria but not tissue damaging. It alsi draws body fluids and nutrients to the area and so assists cell growth and prevents a scar forming by drying out of the wounds.
  3. Good source of antioxcidents: It plays a big role in prevention of cancer as well as heart disease.
  4. Support blood formation: Honey provides an important part of the energy needed by the body. In addition, it helps in cleansing the blood. It has some positive effects in regulating and facilitating blood circulation. It also functions as a protection against capillary problems and arteriosclerosis.
  5. Low calorie: When it is compared with the same amount of sugar, it gives 40% less calories to the body. Although it gives great energy to the body, it does not add weight.
  6. Rapidly diffuses through the blood: When accompanied by mild water, honey diffuses into the bloodstream in 7 minutes. Its free sugar molecules make the brain function better since the brain is the largest consumer of sugar, thus, reduces fatigue.
  7. Good for skin: It has the ability to attract water. You can use honey instead of alpha hydroxy masks because of its high content of the acid. It is also safe for sensitive skin.
  8. Antibacterial property: This bacteria-killing property of honey is named the "inhibition effect." Experiments conducted on honey show that its antibacterial property increases twofold when it is diluted in water. It is very interesting to note that newly born bees in the colony are nourished with diluted honey by the bees responsible for them — as if they know this feature of honey.
In Bukhari (Volume 7: Book 65), Aisha r.a. narrates that, "Allah s.w.t. used to love sweet edible things and honey."

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Keajaiban susu @ The miricle of milk

This article I got from Solusi megazine issue 9. Its about milk. The important of all milk produce by human or animal. But, this article I write it in Malay language.

Susu merupakan minuman fitrah manusia. Haiwan-haiwan yang baru dilahirkan tidak perlu diajar untuk menghisap susu ibunya, Begitu juga dengan bayi yang baru dilahirkan, secara fitrahnya akan terus menghisap susu ibunya apabila tersentuh dengan puting susu ibunya.

Justeru, susu merupakan minuman pertama bagi kehidupan. Susu yang keluar daripada badan ibu cukup khasiatnya, sesuai dengan haiwan atau bayi yang dilahirkan. Allah s.w.t. berfirman yang bermaksud: 'Dan sesungguhnya pada binatang-binatang ternak itu, kamu beroleh pelajaran yang mendatangkan iktibar. Kami beri minum kepada kamu daripada apa yang terbit dari dalam perutnya, yang lahir dari antara hampas makanan dengan darah; (iaitu) susu yang bersih, mudah diminum, lagi sedap rasanya bagi orang-orang yang meminumnya." (Surah an-Nahl 16:66).

Di syurga juga terdapat apa yang dikatakan sungai-sungai susu. Allah s.w.t. berfirman yang bermaksud, "Sifat syurga yang telah dijanjikan kepada orang yang bertakwa (ialah seperti berikut): Ada padanya beberapa sungai dari air yang tidak berubah (rasa dan baunya) dan beberapa sungai daripada susu yang tidak berubah rasanya serta beberapa sungai daripada arak yang lazar bagi orang yang meminumnya, dan juga beberapa sungai dari madu yang suci bersih. Dan ada pula untuk mereka di sana segala jenis buah-buahan serta keredhaan dari Tuhan mereka. (Adakah orang yang tinggal kekal di dalam syurga yang sedemikian itu keadaannya) sama seperti orang yang tinggal kekal di dalam neraka dan diberi minum dari air yang menggelegak sehingga menjadikan isi perut mereka hancur? (sudah tentu tidak sama)!" (Surah Muhammad 47:15).

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa diberikan makanan oleh Allah hendaklah dia mengucapkan: Ya Allah, keberkatan bagi kami dalam makanan ini dan berikanlah kepada kami rezeki yang lebih baik daripadanya. Dan apabila diberikan oleh Allah rezeki minuman hendaklah dia mengucapkan: Ya Allah, berikanlah keberkatan bagi kami dalam minuman ini dan tambahkanlah yang lebih baik daripada ini. Aku tidak mengetahui ada sesuatu yang boleh menggantikan kedudukan makanan sekaligus minuman melainkan susu." (Riwayat Abu Daud)

Di dalam Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim terdapat sebuah hadis menyebut bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. suatu malam ketika bertolak untuk urusan Israk, Baginda dihidangkan secawan susu dan secawan arak. Baginda s.a.w. memandang dua minuman itu kemudian Baginda mengambil cawan yang berisi susu. Malaikat Jibrail berkata: "Segala puji bagi Allah yang menunjukkan dirimu kepada fitrah. Jika kamu mengambil cawan berisi arak, umatmu pasti tersesat."

Keistimewaan susu ibu
Minuman yang terbaik bagi seorang bayi adalah susu ibu. Warna susu ibu bergantung kepada peringkat susu tersebut. Pada setiap kali penyusuan, peringkat permulaan susu ibu adalah lebih cair kerana ianya mengandungi lebih banyak air berbanding lemak. Setelah bayi minum agak lama, barulah susu yang pekat akan dikeluarkan. Istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk peringkat susu ini adalah "fore-milk" - susu awalan (cair) dan "hind-milk" - susu akhiran (pekat).

Susu ibu banyak kebaikannya berbanding susu-susu lain terhadap bayi. Antaranya:
1.  Dapat membekalkan antibodi untuk bayi menjadikan bayi kurang alah kepada penyakit.
2. Mudah dihadamkan berbanding dengan susu berformula.
3. Bayi yang menyusu kurang mendapat sembelit manakala najis bayi menjadi lembut dan tidak mengandungi bakteria ammonis dermatitis.
4. Bayi kurang mengalami ruam lampin.
5. Bayi jarang mengalami lebihan berat badan. Anda tidak perlu gusar jika bayi anda gemuk atau lebih kurus berbanding bayi lain kerana berat bayi anda sesuai dengan dirinya sendiri.
6. Bayi yang menyusu badan jarang mengalami kembung perut.

Susu ibu memberi manfaat kepada ibu juga. Menyusu mengekalkan mengekalkan kerampingan bentuk tubuh badan dan jarang menjadi barah payudara di kalangan masyarakat yang secara tradisional masih mengamalkan pemberian susu ibu. Walaupun secara umumnya percaya menyusu badan menyebabkan bentuk payudara tidak lagi cantik, kajian menunjukkan ia tidak ada kaitan dengan menyusukan bayi. Perubahan saiz dan bentuk payudara disebabkan proses mengandung. Semasa menyusu, hormon oxytocin dibebaskan dan ini membantu mengecutkan rahim. Hormon ini juga merangsang pengeluaran susu agar berterusan. Bentuk pinggang dan punggung akan kembali ke bentuk asal dengan segera.

Selain itu susu ibu juga dapat menjarakkan kehamilan dengan syarat hendaklah menyusukan sepenuhnya iaitu memberi apabila bayi meminta. Sewaktu menyusu, hormon prolaktin dibebaskan oleh sistem tubuh. Hormon ini menghalang pengovulan dan ia merupakan cara untuk merancang kehamilan.

Dalam Al-Quran, Allah s.w.t. juga menyebut mengenai menyusu susu ibu iaitu dalam firmanNya dalam surah Luqman ayat 14 bermaksud: "Dan kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada ibu bapa, ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah dan menyapih (tahap tempoh cerai dari penyusuan) dalam dua tahun."

FirmanNya lagi dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 233 bermaksud: "Dan ibu-ibu hendaklah menyusukan anak-anak mereka selama dua tahun genap iaitu bagi mereka yang hendak menyempurnakan penyusuan."

Keistimewaan susu lain
Susu Kambing
1. Susu yang paling kental dan lembap.
2. Mengandungi lemak dan protein lebih dari yang ada pada lembu akan kibas tetapi selain itu boleh menyebabkan kahak dan ampas serat.
3. Sebelum minum hendaklah dicairkan dengan air agar tubuh tidak terlalu berat untuk menerimanya.
4. Mudah menghilangkan dahaga dan mampu menyejukkan badan.
5. Kaya dengan protein, enzim dan vitamin A.
6. Mengandungi faktor artritis (inflimasi sendi) dan anti barah.
7. Diperakui oleh pakar-pakar untuk mengubati demam kuning, penyakit kulit, gastrik, lelah, insomnia dan ulser.
8. Mudah dihadamkan kerana zarah lemaknya lebih kecil.
9. Khasiat susu kambing yang disimpan sejuk atau sejuk beku tidak akan berubah kualitinya.

Susu Lembu
1. Menambahkan zat dan menyuburkan badan.
2. Mengendurkan otot perut secara stabil.
3. Kandungan lemak dan kadar kekentalannya adalah stabil.

Susu Unta
1. Dikatakan susu unta lebih berkhasiat daripada susu lembu.
2. Lemak yang terkandung dalamnya 40% lebih rendah daripada susu lembu.
3. Kaya dengan vitamin C dan mineral seperti magnesium, sodium, kalium dan zat besi.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Halal logo in different countries

The halal logo is designed as an indicatior for Muslim consumers before buy and consume the products especially foods and drinks and also imported products.

For Malaysian, to identify the halal products or restaurants, there is a logo designed by the department of Malaysia Islamic Development (JAKIM ). The followings are the feature of Malaysia halal logo:
1. Eight-pointed star is placed in the middle of the circle.
2. A word-Halal in Arabic is placed in the middle of the star.
3. It os then followed a halal word in Roman.
4. The circle of the logo contains the word Malaysia in Roman an Arabic.
5. Two small five-pointed stars are placed to separate the Roman and Arabic word.

In order to help Muslim consumers in Malaysia to buy imported products without any suspicious, there are several halal logo from other countries that can be use as a guide. You can visit or click this url to get more information on the organisations and their address, contact person and phone numbers and also halal logo from the origin countries.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Nutritional of goat milk @ khasiat nutrisi susu kambing

Milk is one of the healthiest foods/drinks. According to Tirmidzi and Ahmad; Prophet, Muhammad s.a.w in Syamil Muhammad s.a.w. stated that, there is no other things that can be functional as foods and drinks just like milk.

There are hadiths show that Muhammad s.a.w took goat milk as a foods and drinks other than honey, hubbatus sauda' (caraway seeds) and dates.

Abu Bakar's slave, Amir bin Fuhairah tended the flocks of goats near the cave of Thur during the day and supplied them fresh milk in the night. (From Raheeq Al Maktum).

And verily! In the cattle, there is a lesson to you. We give you drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretions and blood, pure milk; palatable to the drinkers. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was reported to have been pleased when once drinking goat milk. (Al-Quran 16:66 & Muslim #4984).

The goodness of goat milk based on users experience and clinical research found that the goat milk are rich with calcium, pottasium, phosphurus and trytophan. These four elements able to increase the health level which amongs are:

(a) High with calcium which is good for strong bone and development for children and strong teeth for adults
(b) Rich with proteins, enzyems and vitamin A that are important for health
(c) To beautify skin and treat skin decease
(d) Able to increase and strengthen lung immune and act as anti arthritis (joint inflamation) and also balance
     balance sugar level in blood.

Based on some research, goat milk are capable to heal decease such as gastric, peptic ulser, yellow fever, asthma, insomnia (difficult to sleep), hepatatitis A, migrane, gout, kidney decease, diabetes and to avoid cancer. The chemical structure of goat milk is very close with chemical contains in mother's milk.This make the milk is to be digest for both childrens and adults. For those who facing mucus, goat milk is the best nutrious drink because its act as non mucus forming and helps to neutralize mucus.

Now there many products offered in the market that relates to goat milk. Lets start to spread the goodness of sunnah foods which have been taken by prophet Muhammad S.A.W and recommended in Quran for good health.


Thursday, 6 May 2010


Halal is an Arabic word means lawful. It refers to things or action permitted by Shariah law without punishment imposed on the doer. It is usually used to described somethingthat a Muslim is permitted to engage ini. i.e. eat, drink or use. The opposite halal is haram, which is Arabic word for unlawful or prohibited.

Sunnah in Arabic language means 'road' or 'practice'. In the language of the Prophet and the Companions it denotes the whole of licit (lawful) practices followed in the Religion (Ad-din), particularly the pristine (hanif), path of Prophet, whether pertaining of belief, religious and social practice or ethics genarally speaking.
